I grew up reading Owl, Chickadee, and Chirp magazines, so it is always such a pleasure to be able to create spreads for these publications. For this issue I got to create my own game! I created a 4 page spread explaining the ways of collecting points in the Community Kindness Olympics!

When my own kids were young, we often wrote anonymous kindness notes to neighbours, gave random compliments to strangers ("You have a wonderful scarf! I love You are so nice to your dog!") and it always made me feel more grateful and loving toward my community. I'm a big fan of random acts of kindness.
Even if the world feels so rough sometimes, you know?
Even if the world feels so rough sometimes, you know?

For an upcoming story in Chickadee, I got to draw a mischievous dog who has a problem listening. I knew it was the perfect story for me, since I have a dog who never listens and loves to run away from me. Here are some sneak peeks! (And pssst! That is my dog Indy with the orange polkadots :)